MOG, Mini Outdoor Gallery

2017 Winner ‘Westcott Street Design Competition’ 

MOG concept was inspired by the Free Little Library’s around my neighborhood (and beyond.) MOG is an ongoing series of ‘mini outdoor galleries’ designed to display artwork by local artists in the Westcott Neighborhood of Syracuse, NY. In 2018, the first two MOG’s were installed in Westcotts business district: #1 at Petit Library, on Victoria Ave, and #2 at a local Community Garden, on Harvard Ave. The objective is to install a total of four to six MOG’s in the coming years, while inspiring neighbors to create their own invention at their home! 


Brendan Rose designed and built the MOG structures. 

Kate Palermo, artist of MOG 1 / Petit Library. 

Deborah Rose, artist of  MOG 2 / Community Garden.

Funding was provided by Westcott Neighborhood Association.




Lock Alley Mural