The gallery wall at Craft Chemistry featured local, emerging artists who, at the time, had limited options to display their work to the public. C2 showcased a variety of mediums over the years, such as: printmaking, photography, film, painting, mixed media, site specific installation, illustration, and more. Each gallery show exhibited for 4 weeks and had the opportunity to host an opening reception with the option of live music, a workshop, screening or other. Artists also had the option to display artwork or create a site specific installation in one of the shop’s storefront windows.

In order of appearance: Justin Mooshaty; Mark Povinelli; Isaac Bidwell; Tara Hogan; “New Formula” group show; Wes Pope; AMOEBA group show; Casey Landerkin; Cayetano Valenzuela; Ling Tang; ___; “6 Make 1” group show; Tonya Torgerson; Amanda Zackem; Elody Gyekis; Tricia Pucci; Joe Blum; and Joe Lingeman.

Craft Chemistry / Gallery Wall


Craft Chemistry / Shop


Art Markets